
Friday, April 6, 2012

Creating Batman Begins Logo In Photoshop

Create a new document 300×200 with a black background.
Call Rulers (Ctrl+R) and add vertical Guide to the center.
Select Pen Tool(P) (shape layers selected) and make few anchor points.
Using Convert Point Tool change points.
Duplicate Layer (Ctrl+J). Select duplicated layer and flip horizontal (Edit>Transform Path>Flip Horizontal). Select Move Tool (V) and holding shift, move path to the right, until you have attained a mirror image of the original path.
Merge layers with paths (link them and then Ctrl+E) and load selection (Ctrl+Click on layer).
With the help of keyboard arrows move selection 1px left and down.
Create new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Use Filter>Render>Clouds.
Create new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Use Filter>Render>Clouds. Set blending mode Difference.
Create new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Use Filter>Render>Clouds. Set blending mode Overlay. Use Filter>Noise>Add Noise (Amount 15%, Monochromatic, Distribution Uniform).
Create new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Use Filter>Render>Clouds. Set blending mode Color.
You will get something like this:
Batman Begins Logo Tutorial: Final Result

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